
Goals and Criteria

The Goals and Criteria outlines the essential principles and values of Sacred Heart education. From the very beginning, it has served as a covenant among Sacred Heart educators and the Society of the Sacred Heart on behalf of young people for the sake of building a world reflective of the attitudes of Christ's Heart. It remains the pivotal document for students, families and educators of the Sacred Heart. This articulation of mission continues to play a fundamental role in supporting mission integrity by expressing the timeless principles at the heart of Sacred Heart education. Schools of the Sacred Heart educate to: 

a personal and active faith in God
a deep respect for intellectual values
a social awareness which impels to action
the building of community as a Christian value
personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.
Schools of the Sacred Heart share in the educational mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart as articulated in the Goals and Criteria. The structure supporting Sacred Heart education in Canada and the United States includes the Conference of Sacred Heart Education and the Network of Sacred Heart Schools.  Together they provide services and programs to ensure vitality of mission for the member schools sponsored by the Society of the Sacred Heart.